Monday, November 19, 2012

Random Funny Clips

   Well, because I feel like laughing (for no particular reason).  Here's a  list of random clips that I find funny. They are just picked from different forms of media.  Everyone needs a good laugh or two.  So enjoy!

Spaceballs - 
Surrounded by Assholes

  A movie that always cracked me up when I was a kid.  I like how when he asks how many assholes are there,  one guy on the left is still sitting down.  Classic.  "Keep firing assholes!"

Monty Python & the Holy Grail - 
The Tale of Sir Robin

   Another classic movie,  one that i've seen a bit too much.  I also jokingly dubbed the last part of this song as the theme song of our cat, Marley.  It's very fitting.  Enjoy!

Austin Powers -

  There's many hilarious moments in this series.  However I think some of the best moments came from the last movie.  This one in particular.  Moley Moley Moley!

Austin Powers -
Can I paint his yoohoo gold?

   Another hilarious moment from Austin Powers 3.  Goldmember is just plain stupid,  this scene always cracks me up.  Although for some reason, before watching this, in my head I thought he stretched out the "Gold" more.  Like he said " Can I paint his yoohoo goooooooolllllldddddd?".   Still funny either way.

Family Guy -
Coldplay Slam

   Family Guy has 1000's of hilarious moments.  This one seriously sums of how I've always felt about Coldplay.  Stupid whiney music.  Enjoy!

The Simpsons -
My name is Mr. Burns

   The Simpsons have been on forever (Seriously,  24 seasons WTF).  I still find the new episodes hilarious, but in a different way from the old seasons.  It's classic scenes like this one that I never forget from old Simpsons.  

The Simpsons -
I am so smrt!

   Another classic scene,  possibly one of the best.  Who can forget this one?  This would have to be in my Top 5 favorite Simpsons scenes ever.  Who needs a diploma anyway?

The Big Lebowski - 
This is what happens when you fuck a stranger
in the ass.

  The Big Lebowski is an awesome movie.  While Jeff Daniels is great as the Dude,  this movie would be shit without John Goodman.  SHUT THE FUCK UP DONNY!

Dumb and Dumber -
What was her name again?!?

   Hey look,  back when Jim Carrey used to be funny.  Now he's all serious and shit,  one of his best.  Anyone ever mentions him and this is the first thing I think of.  Funny stuff.

Futurama -
A clip for no raisin.

   This part I have been recently mentioning with a friend.  Futurama has some great moments and dialogue in it.  I was so happy to see it return.  Because it is the greetest!

Zoolander -
The Derek Zoolander Center for Children who
can't read good..

  Zoolander is an awesome movie.  I kinda hope they don't make a sequel because I'm afraid it won't live up to the original.  If they do, it needs to be at least.... 3 times bigger than this!

Curb your Enthusiasm -
The best of Leon

   One of the funniest shows I've ever seen,  seriously make another season already.  The banter between Leon and Larry is some of the best ever.  Enjoy!

Louis C.K. -
Saturday Night Live Lincoln Skit

  The funniest guy around now.  Louie is one of my more recent favorite shows (damnit having to wait till early 2014 for season 4).   This Lincoln parody is so damn spot on,  love it.

George Carlin - 
On Soft Language

   In my opinion,  the funniest man ever.  George was never afraid to speak his mind.  Despite how fucking insane he would come off.   I really wish he was still around,  because I would love to hear what he would have to say about everything going on nowadays.  You will be missed sir.

Family Guy - 
On Equal Rights in America

   My favorite Family Guy clip,  pretty much sums up this country.  The best way to end this post.  Sorry I couldn't find a better quality one,  but you still can hear it.  Hilarious!

  So this isn't really everything I think is funny.  Just a random assortment of clips for me to laugh at,  hope you guys enjoy it!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hotline Miami
The Review,  80's Style

   So today,  I'm going to review a game I finished last week, Hotline Miami.   It's a 2d top down shooter set in Miami, Florida during 1989.  The game itself is basically a murder ballet,  the music fits perfectly with the graphics and they compliment an overly violent, action heavy game.  This game comes together in one of the best packages I've seen in a long time.  
   Let's start with the story,  without giving anything away,  your nameless character usually starts out waking up in his apartment.  From there you head over to check your answering machine,  this is where most of the story plays out.  You are always getting requests to kill different people left as cryptic messages on your machine.  From here you go downstairs and jump into your car,  heading to your next mission location.  You then go murder tons of people and leave that area, sometimes  fight a boss.  In between missions as well,  you visit different places like a Video Store, Pizza Parlor, Bar, and Convenience store (whom all employ the same person?).  These sequences add more to the crazy story.  

   Another thing about the game,  is your titular character wears a mask.  Not just any mask but different animal masks,  each granting you a specific bonus (Night Vision, Take 1 extra bullet, Start with a knife, etc). You unlock some masks from playing levels and others from getting higher scores.  These can really change the outcome of a level.  For instance,  I used the Tiger mask alot (appropriately named Tony) which made my punches kill rather than knock out the enemy.   Trying different masks in each level really change the outcome and difficulty of the game.  

  Speaking of the difficulty,  Hotline Miami can sometimes be a bit frustrating.  You can be killed with 1 hit, and if you make too much noise (like firing off guns) enemies will bum rush you.  The best part about dying though is the respawn is instant,  however you have to start that part of the level over.  The game is hard enough to where it feels rewarding when you finish a level (which is good in my opinion,  too many games nowadays coddle gamers).  

   The weapons of Hotline Miami are a plenty and awesome.  You go from different types of firearms (Uzi, Silenced Pistol, Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun, etc) to melee weapons (Knives, Sword, Pipe, Baseball Bat, Bottle, Machete, Pool Cue, Golf Club, etc).  Any of the weapons can be used with a left click and also thrown at an enemy to disable them from a distance (some kill them like the edged weapons).  So this adds another layer to combat,  now once enemies are down it doesn't mean they are dead.  Here comes in the executions,  which change depending on which weapon you have and are extremely graphic.  Let it be said,  Hotline Miami does not shy away from gore in this game (It fits the game very nicely).  

   Now, last but not least,  complimenting all of these great things is one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a long time.  Before purchasing this game,  I listened to the soundtrack over and over for about 2 weeks.  That alone convinced me to get it.  It has a variety of composers bringing life to this world.  My two favorite tracks so far are Knock and Miami 2.  I'll put them below for your listening pleasure.

Miami 2

   So, in my opinion,  while Hotline Miami can be frustrating at times due to it's difficulty.  If you are looking for something that feels both new and old,  this game comes highly recommended and is currently receiving much praise from many journalists.  It's currently available only on PC,  which you do not need a high end PC to run it.  You can purchase it through digital PC outlets like Steam and Good Old Games for $9.99.  So take the plunge and pick it up, you won't regret it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fan Films

 There have been many movies based on video games and especially comic books as of late.  While the comic seem to see more successes,  movie games still, by and large, are terrible.  There are some that are worth nothing (Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill come to mind), but for the most part people don't understand how to create them.  Fans however, know exactly what they are doing when making short films out of games.  Here's some examples that I have found very entertaining,  all of these can be found on youtube.  While many of these are very faithful, some take creative liberties that really pay off.  Enjoy!

Half Life

  Enter the Freeman is pretty awesome.  A perfect example of how you can take a franchise seriously.  Even Gordon saying his name, while some might think it could be cheesy, was really awesome on it's own.  Kudos for the awesome Headcrab Zombie and showing off the crowbar.  Even the suit looks spectacular and the nod to the Black Mesa Security.  This is recommended watch for any Half Life fans.  I wish game movies had this level of quality.

Left 4 Dead

  This one also does a great job setting the mood.  Although Bill is dead (sad face), they make up for it with excellent tone.  Costume and characters are spot on,  The Witch looks authentic, even the CGI special infected don't look that bad.  However,  they did lose me after the inclusion of other random video game characters.  I really wished they would have kept the dark tone throughout.  Still worth watching though.

Streets of Rage 
Part 1
Part 2

   Talk about fan service,  this 2 part series has tons of it.  I just discovered this one last night and I must say I'm blown away by the attention to detail in it.  They use nothing but sounds from Streets of Rage in it.  The moves are very accurate to the game itself.  Hell they even follow the structure of the game itself.  There's a ton of attention to detail here.  Worth the 20 minutes of watching it,  although they don't go to the end of the game.  It's still awesome either way.

Final Fantasy 7

   A short trailer for what could be a FF7 movie,  It has a certain charm and feel.  Only complaint really is Barrets look,  which he's kinda small and his machine gun arm looks weird.  That aside this is still pretty amazing.  It's only about 3 minutes long and it still does a great job of bringing the game to life.  With a good budget something like this could be really awesome.

Pac-man as a Horror Movie

   I saw this one a few months back.  I mentioned that some people in these took creative liberties in how they presented their fan films.  This is one of them,  where people are trapped in a maze with pellets.  They try to figure out how to escape while being chases by a (furry?) Pac-Man.  Another thing to notice is the names of the people and the color of clothes they are wearing.  This trailer is awesome, as it takes the spirit of the game and turns it into a violent monster film.  


   This one is just too funny.  Whoever made this trailer must have been thinking "I wonder what type of Tetris movie Michael Bay would make?".  Well here's your answer.  This trailer very much pokes fun at how much damage Hollywood has done to video game movies.  Just under 3 minutes,  this one is worth checking out.

Legend of Zelda Hero of Time

  While this is only a trailer for it.  This is for an actual Legend of Zelda film that was released on theater for a brief time.  Nintendo stepped in and made them take it down.  The movie itself clocks in at around 2 hours and is based on Ocarina of Time.  From what I've read (and can tell from the trailer) the costumes are okay, however I review I read mentioned that the acting is great quality.  I'm sure this is what Zelda fans have wanted for years,  so the fans delivered.  I'm sure this one still exists on the internet somewhere,  worth looking for from what I've read.

So while there's plenty of other fan films out there.  This is just some I would recommend.  Some good places to check would be the Machinima channel on youtube,  or just youtube in general.  Well thanks everyone for reading!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Decline of the Publisher

    There's been a lot of news out there lately about video game publishers.  These publishing giants,  such as Electronic Arts, THQ, and Activision, haven't been doing as well as one would think.  While each of these companies heads up a very well known franchise or two,  there revenue streams are at some of their worst lows in years.  For example,  in 2008 EA's stock went from $48 a share to $12, a 75% loss of which they have not been able to come back from.  Also,  it was found out recently that THQ is defaulting on a $50 million dollar credit from Wells Fargo.   All this while Activision's leaders are looking to sell the company.  These things do not seem to bode well for these big companies.  But does this really affect the industry as a whole?
   One would think these things would worry gamers like myself,  thinking that we will never see some of our favorite franchises again.  However, I view this a bit differently.  While the loss of jobs in those companies will be the real tragedy,  the series that they hang on to will be most likely sold off.  This could mean seeing new people at the helm of these games, breathing new life into them.  So this could be a real win for the ailing franchises that all these companies are hanging on to.  
   However with all these problems in the AAA gaming foray,  the Indie scene is still on the rise.  With crowd funding and innovation,  there's nothing stopping this train.  Because the tools are so easy to come by,  small studios are able to make games that can stand shoulder to shoulder with these high end titles.  In most cases they are outselling them 10 to 1 (Minecraft is a big example),  and the cost of developing these low end indie games is very low.  So profits are high for smaller companies in this industry.  
   Now,  as a gamer myself,  in my opinion I must say that lately I am more impressed with smaller indie games and less impressed with high end AAA titles.  For example,  one of my favorite running survival horror series, Resident Evil,  let me down this year.   Capcom spent big money on the franchise amping everything up, content, action, and story.  However my impression was that it had drifted so far from what I loved about the series that I couldn't recognize it anymore.  I enjoyed Resident Evil because of the fear in it,  not the cover shooting or the dudebro action.  Buying that game would have set me back $65 (with tax). 
   Awhile back,  I purchased one of the Humble Bundles for about 8 bucks.  With it came Amnesia The Dark Descent (this was around May of this year).  I decided recently,  since I wanted to play a horror game, to start playing this (I heard lots of good things).  While this game is different in how it plays from RE,  Amnesia is very superior to the latest iteration in terms of fear.  I was completely blown away by this game and continue to be impressed,  I am now looking forward to the sequel (Amnesia A Machine For Pigs),  which will most likely retail for $20.  
   My point with what I am saying is that,  while it's sad that with the decline of AAA gaming many people will lose their jobs due to downsizing.   Small studios being able to release games due to smaller budgets or crowd funding, eliminating the need for publishers, will free up developers being held down by what their owners want and allowing them to release what they want.  This will result in better quality games and more innovation in a field that can frequently feel stagnant.  All in all though I do hope AAA gaming stays in good shape.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Indie Games on the rise:

   So you've got your big systems out there,  your high profile games.   Series like Halo, Call of Duty, & Grand Theft Auto are household names by now.  These juggernauts have redefined the Game Industry in their own respects and are enjoyed by many millions of gamers out there.  There is, however, another level of gaming that is innovating more than your high profile titles.  These games are willing to deviate from the norm to create increasingly engaging experiences.  I am referring to the Indie Game scene.
   Basically,  Indie Games are made by small companies with lower budgets.  This forces them to work within the confines of what they have,  making for some truly unique experiences.  Of course the Indie scene is becoming larger and more well known as the months pass,  showcasing some great titles that have seen massive success.  Games like Minecraft and Angry Birds were developed on small budgets,  rising to a very high level of success.   Now these games are household names (Minecraft has become the most played Xbox Live game,  passing up Call of Duty) and they deserve such a recognition.  
   Another thing about these games is that they provide a different experience, and most of the time cost way less than your AAA game experience.  In some cases they even provide more content.  If you are looking for something to take up some spare time and that's also fun to play.  Here's some personal recommendations:

- Cthulhu Saves the World
PC, Android, & Xbox Live Indie Games

  A great comedy RPG,  so old school it hurts.  This cast you as the Lord of Insanity, whom after losing his powers,  has to now become a hero in order to regain his powers.  So then he can get back to destroying the world.  It's available on many platforms (comes in a double pack on Steam with Breath of Death VII) and worth the 10 hour journey.

- Amnesia The Dark Descent
   If you have read my blog before,  or listened to my podcast recently (Player Start on iTunes).  Then you will know I don't shut up about this game.  Best. Horror. Game.  EVER!  It will scare the pants off anyone and everyone.  I will tell you right now,  if you think Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark, Dead Space or any other horror game is scary,  you don't know shit unless you have played this game.  Just make sure you play it how they recommend to get the best results.

- Minecraft
PC, Android, iTunes, Xbox Live Arcade

  Imagine your thrown into a strange world that's made of blocks.  You can change this world however you want,  no one is telling you what to do.  You want to break down that mountain?  You want to build a house in the sky?  Maybe an underwater glass dome?  Maybe build your favorite level from your favorite game.  Go ahead,  you can do anything in Minecraft.  That's why it's mega popular.  If you just want a game to relax and build, this is your game.  Just watch out for those Endermen or Zombies...

- Super Meat Boy
PC, Xbox Live Arcade

   So you like those old platform games that gave you a challenge.  Maybe something like Ninja Gaiden or Super Mario Bros.  Yeah they were tough,  but they weren't Meat Boy tough.  This game will kick your ass over and over,  and you will come back for more.  It's one of the best recent platformers to really hit home that old game challenge.  Check it out and get ready to be pissed at it (as evidenced by the video above).

- Torchlight II

   So yeah there's this Diablo thing,  great game and all.  However,  if your anything like me,  you may have felt a bit let down by Diablo III.  After playing Torchlight II,  that little void left in me from Diablo III is gone now.  This one ups the ante, bigger set pieces,  bigger bosses, more classes, online play, and it's mod friendly.  For $20 it's a steal, considering Diablo III is $60.  Check it out,  you will be surprised.

- Limbo
PC, PSN, Xbox Live Arcade

   Sometimes the simplest layout is the best.  Nothing shows this best than Limbo.  The art style is simple yet masterful.  The game itself really challenges you to think.  Plus the giant spider is freaky as hell.  It received much praise when it released, Which it very much deserves.  Check it out if you get the chance,  it takes you on a strange trip to find your sister.  Very much worth the ride.

- Home

   Home is a survival horror game,  where you wake up alone in a house during a storm.  The game itself takes place in 2d but doesn't detract from the overall feel.  Your character is going around trying to piece together what happened, and also who killed the various people around the house.  The best part of how this game plays is that the outcome is entirely up to you.  It changes based on how you play.  A very unique concept and a game worth experiencing.

- Lone Survivor

   Another 2d horror game,  Lone Survivor places you alone in a world overrun by demons.  You have to find clues and look for other people.  All the while avoiding the monsters running rampant,  you can hide in various areas to avoid them or distract them with rotting meat.  The music is really out there and it has some scenes that really sell the madness in the game.  Very much worth playing and not like anything else out there. 

- To The Moon

   An old school RPG that plays out differently than anything I have experienced.  To the Moon casts you as two doctors,  whom with the use of a special machine,  can have someone experience their entire life over.  They use this with people who are on the verge of death to ease the pain of their passing.  What plays out is an incredibly compelling and, at times, depressing story of a man's life.  A great experience for anyone looking for something new.  

- Penny Arcade: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness 3
PC, Android, iOS, Xbox Live Indie games

   Another game by Zeboyd on this list (makers of Cthulhu saves the World).  This one takes place in the early 1900's using the titular characters from the Penny Arcade web comic.  This is the 3rd one in a series of 4 games and the first made by Zeboyd.  It continues the story and changes the art style of the games.  Now you can still enjoy this one without playing the first two,  but I recommend playing them for the full package.  So play this or I will inflict Hoboism on you!


   Most of these games are on PC and have pretty low requirements (except for Torchlight II and Amnesia, find demos of those if you have an older computer).  On a side note,  I am working on an Indie Game myself,  I will soon have my project up on Steam Greenlight under concepts,  it's a Zombie RPG called the Long Night.  Check it out if you get a chance.   Thanks everyone for reading and supporting the Indie Game scene.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012


The Walking Dead (Comics)

*******************MASSIVE SPOILERS IN THIS ARTICLE!!!!***********************


   So for anyone who hasn't heard of it (like 2 people on the planet?),  the Walking Dead is one of those rare comic books that is not only top of it's class.  But it has spawned many offshots into different media that are excellent (The Walking Dead Game and TV series).  However,  the best series is still the comics.   The TV series is just hitting into the Governor (great villain),  however the comics is now touching into someone who is more awful than the he could be.  In the early 90's issues,  we learned about a group of people protecting the colony of Hilltop from the zombie hordes.  Run by a brutal man named Negan,  whom no one had ever seen but his followers said that he spoke through him.  See the Saviors protected Hilltop but at the cost of half of their food and supplies.  If anyone was caught outside of the city,  the Saviors acted like bandits.  Demanding tolls and tribute to Negan,  kidnapping people or even killing them to make an example out of them.   

   Now,  of course Rick's group,  upon discovering Hilltop decides that they can do the job of the Saviors without killing people needlessly.  On their way back from Hilltop to their settlement, they run into one of his roving groups.  Instead of obeying them,  they decide to kill all of them.  One escapes and gets word to Negan.   Rick's group also loses another man, Abraham, via an arrow to the head from Dwight (another of the Saviors), however they are defeated as well.     Thinking that the Saviors are just bluffing about their numbers or their leader,  they brazenly head back to Hilltop and decide to stay the night on the road.  Big mistake as Negan is ready, in full force, to ambush them.  

   He then proceeds to line them all up,  demanding that one of them is going to be killed.  He goes down the row,  proclaiming different reasons why he cannot kill certain ones (racism,  looking weak for killing a cripple).  In the end,  he selects Glenn to be the one.  Negan then brutally crushes in Glenns skull with a barb wire wrapped baseball bat he has named Lucielle.  After this he leaves, taunting Rick and the group and saying he will return in a week for his payment.  This is something Negan seems to love doing (taunting everyone),  which provides a different level to him.  

   Many people are under the impression that Negan is all brawn and no brains.  Some, like myself, are thinking that their are other layers to him.  For one,  we have not yet discovered his base of operations or even why he's doing what he does (as of this writing, the comics are up to issue 103).  He also really enjoys taunting and intimidating others, especially in front of his men.  The last issue had him visiting Rick's group at the Alexandria Safe-Zone,  knocking on the gate saying "little pig little pig let me in!"  Of course, he had Rick show him around and make him hold on to Lucielle (the weapon he murdered Glenn with).   He comes off as very intimidating (although we all know Rick will get him in the end),  his last line to Rick after leaving Alexandria really shows his true arrogance (See panel below).

   So I, like many others,  am looking forward to where Robert Kirkman takes us in this part of the journey.  I also cannot wait for Negan to get what's coming to him,  as I was saddened by the loss of Glenn and Abraham.  Hopefully someone uses Lucielle on him (fingers crossed).

   Thanks everyone for reading.  Please leave me some comments below on any thoughts you have about Negan or the future of the Walking Dead comics.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Horror games to play for Halloween-

   So,  tomorrow is Halloween.  You may be taking kids out for candy, going to a party, or just hanging around being weird (something I do everyday).  If your like me,  you like to freak yourself the hell out (sometimes on a daily basis).  There is never a more proper time to do so then on Halloween.  So today I'm going to make some recommendations for some games that will scare you and generally freak you out.  This list is not in order,  so they are just listed off as I please.  


  Gotta start it off with the classic monster.   DayZ is the pinnacle of what zombie games are going to become, not just raising the bar.  But picking it up and throwing it in the air.  Whether played alone or as a team,  this game will having you doing any and everything you can to survive.  There is no direction other than survive,  as long as you can.  You start out alone on the beach,  with no weapons.  From there you have to scavenge,  avoiding zombies and bandits.  Your not even sure if you can trust another player that you find,  they might just kill you or use you as bait for another attack.  Everything in the environment is hostile,  so you must be careful when venturing out into the unknown.
   DayZ is a free mod for Arma II,  which is available in places like Steam or for around $30.  While it's a great military game,  your real reason for picking it up is for this mod.  So if you decide to take the plunge,  get ready because it's a tough one.  Recommended for zombie fans or anyone looking for a different horror experience.

Dead Space

  Nothing like going to investigate a ship that you lost contact with,  only to find everyone was brutally massacred and crazy murderous monsters occupy it.  Survival Horror, up to this point,  was all about facing demons or zombies in more familiar settings.  This game changed everything,  isolating you in deep space on a ghost ship.  The Necromorphs aboard were around every corner,  ready to mutilate you in the worst way possible.  The game marries the perfect creepy atmosphere with horrible monsters.  
   Your cast as engineer Isaac Clark,  set out not only on a rescue mission.  But also to find your girlfriend, who was one of the crew.  You are guided through this madness with messages from her,  coming to a conclusion that makes the tone even darker for the next game.  This game will see you fighting for your life in fear of Isaac getting ripped to shreds.  It features some of the most graphic video game deaths I've ever seen.  This is truly the stuff of nightmares.  If you don't believe me,  just watch the trailer. 
   As of this writing, you can pick up Dead Space 1 and 2 for $5 each on Steam during their Halloween sale.  Worth at least checking out part 1,  Dead Space 2 ramps everything up so is even more intense.  

The Walking Dead Game

   I know,  another zombie game on the list.  But while DayZ is more about surviving.  This game tells the story of Lee and Clementine,  how they survive in a world overrun by flesh eaters.  The Walking Dead game plays out more like an interactive graphic novel, however every choice you make.  From the answers you give to who you save, affects every facet of how the game plays out over the course of 5 episodes (as of this writing only episodes 1 - 4 are available).  This game does an excellent job of making you care about each and every character,  making every moment that much more shocking.   Each episode so far has had it's fair share of jaw dropping moments, and it ups the ante each time.   It never lets up on the intensity.
   If you are a big fan of the show or comic books,  this is a must buy.  The Walking Dead game is an extension of the comics,  telling a different story but it shows other perspectives of some of the characters within that universe. 
   This game has some of the best storytelling I've ever seen in a video game.  It sets a new bar for the industry.  At this moment,  you can purchase the entire season (episodes 1 - 5) for $15 (reg is $25).  You can also buy each individual episode for $5 a piece on most formats (Xbox 360, Ps3, iOs, and Pc).  The deal is currently available through Steam for the Pc.  Totally worth it for one of the best games this year.

Alan Wake

  While all the previous games have been more about monsters, Alan Wake is a bit different.  Playing out more like a psychological thriller than a straight up horror movie.  It casts you as Alan Wake,  a writer of a famous series looking to take a break with his wife in Bright Falls.  What starts out as a vacation, quickly degrades into a nightmare as Alan's wife is kidnapped and taken by some sort of darkness.  As Alan searches for her,  his journey takes him around the town and on a very strange journey.
   The game goes further into madness as townspeople are possessed.  It makes you begin to question what is real and what isn't.  The game plays like a shooter and uses light as a weapon.  It's very easy for anyone used to modern shooter games to pick up.  This game truly sets itself apart with its weird enemies and the strange things they say (Omega 3 fatty acids are good for your heart!).   It's story and Dlc are left open for Alan Wake's American Nightmare, which introduces the awesome villain Mr Scratch (although I DO NOT recommend playing AM first,  as the story might be quite confusing at that point).  
   A great psychological thriller,  especially for any old Stephen King fans.   It's truly worth experiencing,  especially to see the Old Gods of Asgard.  Alan Wake is currently 50% off, as part of the sale on Steam.  It's $15 dollars at the moment.  Check it out.  

Slender: The Eight Pages

   Now if you still want to be scared,  but have budget issues.  Slender The Eight Pages is a totally free game.  It's based off the Slender mythology (check youtube for a whole series of videos).  
   The game puts you in a park that's fenced off.  Armed with just a flashlight (that has limited battery power),  you have to search the park for 8 pages.  Of course you are wandering around a forest that is easy to become disoriented in.  You can run but your flashlight points downward (or you can turn it off, but that makes things easier for Slender to get you!).  So during all of this,  you are being stalked by Slender.  Slender is a weird looking thing,  kinda looks like he's wearing a suit and has no face.  If you stare at him for too long,  you will go insane and die.  The only way you know he's near you is by the music getting more tense and static filling the screen.   If this happens,  just run.  While you should try to pay attention,  where you are going.  It's easy to get lost while fleeing.  
   This game is very minimalistic, but does a great job of scaring people.  It's, again,  totally free.  You can download it here: Slender Game.  Enjoy!

Amnesia The Dark Descent

  So I've been raving about this game alot lately,  whether here, on my facebook, or on my podcast.  I consider myself well versed in Horror and Survival Horror games.  Always checking out what's new and knowing some of the best out there.  Well, I must say that what I thought was a scary game,  is nothing compared to this gem.
  You wake up inside of a mansion,  not really knowing where or who you are.  The game itself takes place in first person,  which is good considering how the visual effects are set up very well.  As you search the mansion,  doors fling open,  rooms seem to pulsate,  the whole building shakes.  It's as if your surroundings are out to get you.  Shadows, later on,  chase you and try to kill you.  The only thing you can do is run and hide,  as you have no way of defending yourself.  This gives you a sense of hopelessness and dread as you trudge on.  The atmosphere in this game is top notch,  really putting yourself into the nightmare that is this game.  Your only key to surviving is light,  which you get a lantern to carry around (which has a finite amount of fuel) and tinderboxes to light any nearby candles or lanterns.  Another thing you have to monitor is your sanity,  if anything happens or if you are in the dark too much,  your breathing gets more erratic and your heart rate increases.  This in turn makes your vision distort and you start to hear weird noises.  If your sanity is lost,  you go insane and die.  Now there are also "things" that wander the house.  One in particular you must hide from, and if you see it you must not stare.  You will go more insane and it will see you,  even if your hiding in a cupboard peering out of a crack.  This increases the intensity of the game,  knowing there's such a thing stalking you and that you cannot see where it goes.  
   Everything about this game is perfect.  It will truly scare you (I'm not afraid to admit the game freaks me out).  For Halloween,  the game is on sale for $5 (reg going for $20) on Steam.  My best advice, if you decide to take this journey,  is to play the game how they recommend.  Lights off and headphones on, also you do not play Amnesia to win.  You play it to experience it.  Good luck!

  So thanks for reading,  I know everyone is looking for new ways to be scared on Halloween. You can't go wrong with any of these choices.  While there are many other horror games out there,  I chose to stick with ones that were considered some of the best or more affordable.  Have fun boys and girls, Happy Halloween!!!