Monday, November 19, 2012

Random Funny Clips

   Well, because I feel like laughing (for no particular reason).  Here's a  list of random clips that I find funny. They are just picked from different forms of media.  Everyone needs a good laugh or two.  So enjoy!

Spaceballs - 
Surrounded by Assholes

  A movie that always cracked me up when I was a kid.  I like how when he asks how many assholes are there,  one guy on the left is still sitting down.  Classic.  "Keep firing assholes!"

Monty Python & the Holy Grail - 
The Tale of Sir Robin

   Another classic movie,  one that i've seen a bit too much.  I also jokingly dubbed the last part of this song as the theme song of our cat, Marley.  It's very fitting.  Enjoy!

Austin Powers -

  There's many hilarious moments in this series.  However I think some of the best moments came from the last movie.  This one in particular.  Moley Moley Moley!

Austin Powers -
Can I paint his yoohoo gold?

   Another hilarious moment from Austin Powers 3.  Goldmember is just plain stupid,  this scene always cracks me up.  Although for some reason, before watching this, in my head I thought he stretched out the "Gold" more.  Like he said " Can I paint his yoohoo goooooooolllllldddddd?".   Still funny either way.

Family Guy -
Coldplay Slam

   Family Guy has 1000's of hilarious moments.  This one seriously sums of how I've always felt about Coldplay.  Stupid whiney music.  Enjoy!

The Simpsons -
My name is Mr. Burns

   The Simpsons have been on forever (Seriously,  24 seasons WTF).  I still find the new episodes hilarious, but in a different way from the old seasons.  It's classic scenes like this one that I never forget from old Simpsons.  

The Simpsons -
I am so smrt!

   Another classic scene,  possibly one of the best.  Who can forget this one?  This would have to be in my Top 5 favorite Simpsons scenes ever.  Who needs a diploma anyway?

The Big Lebowski - 
This is what happens when you fuck a stranger
in the ass.

  The Big Lebowski is an awesome movie.  While Jeff Daniels is great as the Dude,  this movie would be shit without John Goodman.  SHUT THE FUCK UP DONNY!

Dumb and Dumber -
What was her name again?!?

   Hey look,  back when Jim Carrey used to be funny.  Now he's all serious and shit,  one of his best.  Anyone ever mentions him and this is the first thing I think of.  Funny stuff.

Futurama -
A clip for no raisin.

   This part I have been recently mentioning with a friend.  Futurama has some great moments and dialogue in it.  I was so happy to see it return.  Because it is the greetest!

Zoolander -
The Derek Zoolander Center for Children who
can't read good..

  Zoolander is an awesome movie.  I kinda hope they don't make a sequel because I'm afraid it won't live up to the original.  If they do, it needs to be at least.... 3 times bigger than this!

Curb your Enthusiasm -
The best of Leon

   One of the funniest shows I've ever seen,  seriously make another season already.  The banter between Leon and Larry is some of the best ever.  Enjoy!

Louis C.K. -
Saturday Night Live Lincoln Skit

  The funniest guy around now.  Louie is one of my more recent favorite shows (damnit having to wait till early 2014 for season 4).   This Lincoln parody is so damn spot on,  love it.

George Carlin - 
On Soft Language

   In my opinion,  the funniest man ever.  George was never afraid to speak his mind.  Despite how fucking insane he would come off.   I really wish he was still around,  because I would love to hear what he would have to say about everything going on nowadays.  You will be missed sir.

Family Guy - 
On Equal Rights in America

   My favorite Family Guy clip,  pretty much sums up this country.  The best way to end this post.  Sorry I couldn't find a better quality one,  but you still can hear it.  Hilarious!

  So this isn't really everything I think is funny.  Just a random assortment of clips for me to laugh at,  hope you guys enjoy it!

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