Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Horror games to play for Halloween-

   So,  tomorrow is Halloween.  You may be taking kids out for candy, going to a party, or just hanging around being weird (something I do everyday).  If your like me,  you like to freak yourself the hell out (sometimes on a daily basis).  There is never a more proper time to do so then on Halloween.  So today I'm going to make some recommendations for some games that will scare you and generally freak you out.  This list is not in order,  so they are just listed off as I please.  


  Gotta start it off with the classic monster.   DayZ is the pinnacle of what zombie games are going to become, not just raising the bar.  But picking it up and throwing it in the air.  Whether played alone or as a team,  this game will having you doing any and everything you can to survive.  There is no direction other than survive,  as long as you can.  You start out alone on the beach,  with no weapons.  From there you have to scavenge,  avoiding zombies and bandits.  Your not even sure if you can trust another player that you find,  they might just kill you or use you as bait for another attack.  Everything in the environment is hostile,  so you must be careful when venturing out into the unknown.
   DayZ is a free mod for Arma II,  which is available in places like Steam or GoG.com for around $30.  While it's a great military game,  your real reason for picking it up is for this mod.  So if you decide to take the plunge,  get ready because it's a tough one.  Recommended for zombie fans or anyone looking for a different horror experience.

Dead Space

  Nothing like going to investigate a ship that you lost contact with,  only to find everyone was brutally massacred and crazy murderous monsters occupy it.  Survival Horror, up to this point,  was all about facing demons or zombies in more familiar settings.  This game changed everything,  isolating you in deep space on a ghost ship.  The Necromorphs aboard were around every corner,  ready to mutilate you in the worst way possible.  The game marries the perfect creepy atmosphere with horrible monsters.  
   Your cast as engineer Isaac Clark,  set out not only on a rescue mission.  But also to find your girlfriend, who was one of the crew.  You are guided through this madness with messages from her,  coming to a conclusion that makes the tone even darker for the next game.  This game will see you fighting for your life in fear of Isaac getting ripped to shreds.  It features some of the most graphic video game deaths I've ever seen.  This is truly the stuff of nightmares.  If you don't believe me,  just watch the trailer. 
   As of this writing, you can pick up Dead Space 1 and 2 for $5 each on Steam during their Halloween sale.  Worth at least checking out part 1,  Dead Space 2 ramps everything up so is even more intense.  

The Walking Dead Game

   I know,  another zombie game on the list.  But while DayZ is more about surviving.  This game tells the story of Lee and Clementine,  how they survive in a world overrun by flesh eaters.  The Walking Dead game plays out more like an interactive graphic novel, however every choice you make.  From the answers you give to who you save, affects every facet of how the game plays out over the course of 5 episodes (as of this writing only episodes 1 - 4 are available).  This game does an excellent job of making you care about each and every character,  making every moment that much more shocking.   Each episode so far has had it's fair share of jaw dropping moments, and it ups the ante each time.   It never lets up on the intensity.
   If you are a big fan of the show or comic books,  this is a must buy.  The Walking Dead game is an extension of the comics,  telling a different story but it shows other perspectives of some of the characters within that universe. 
   This game has some of the best storytelling I've ever seen in a video game.  It sets a new bar for the industry.  At this moment,  you can purchase the entire season (episodes 1 - 5) for $15 (reg is $25).  You can also buy each individual episode for $5 a piece on most formats (Xbox 360, Ps3, iOs, and Pc).  The deal is currently available through Steam for the Pc.  Totally worth it for one of the best games this year.

Alan Wake

  While all the previous games have been more about monsters, Alan Wake is a bit different.  Playing out more like a psychological thriller than a straight up horror movie.  It casts you as Alan Wake,  a writer of a famous series looking to take a break with his wife in Bright Falls.  What starts out as a vacation, quickly degrades into a nightmare as Alan's wife is kidnapped and taken by some sort of darkness.  As Alan searches for her,  his journey takes him around the town and on a very strange journey.
   The game goes further into madness as townspeople are possessed.  It makes you begin to question what is real and what isn't.  The game plays like a shooter and uses light as a weapon.  It's very easy for anyone used to modern shooter games to pick up.  This game truly sets itself apart with its weird enemies and the strange things they say (Omega 3 fatty acids are good for your heart!).   It's story and Dlc are left open for Alan Wake's American Nightmare, which introduces the awesome villain Mr Scratch (although I DO NOT recommend playing AM first,  as the story might be quite confusing at that point).  
   A great psychological thriller,  especially for any old Stephen King fans.   It's truly worth experiencing,  especially to see the Old Gods of Asgard.  Alan Wake is currently 50% off, as part of the sale on Steam.  It's $15 dollars at the moment.  Check it out.  

Slender: The Eight Pages

   Now if you still want to be scared,  but have budget issues.  Slender The Eight Pages is a totally free game.  It's based off the Slender mythology (check youtube for a whole series of videos).  
   The game puts you in a park that's fenced off.  Armed with just a flashlight (that has limited battery power),  you have to search the park for 8 pages.  Of course you are wandering around a forest that is easy to become disoriented in.  You can run but your flashlight points downward (or you can turn it off, but that makes things easier for Slender to get you!).  So during all of this,  you are being stalked by Slender.  Slender is a weird looking thing,  kinda looks like he's wearing a suit and has no face.  If you stare at him for too long,  you will go insane and die.  The only way you know he's near you is by the music getting more tense and static filling the screen.   If this happens,  just run.  While you should try to pay attention,  where you are going.  It's easy to get lost while fleeing.  
   This game is very minimalistic, but does a great job of scaring people.  It's, again,  totally free.  You can download it here: Slender Game.  Enjoy!

Amnesia The Dark Descent

  So I've been raving about this game alot lately,  whether here, on my facebook, or on my podcast.  I consider myself well versed in Horror and Survival Horror games.  Always checking out what's new and knowing some of the best out there.  Well, I must say that what I thought was a scary game,  is nothing compared to this gem.
  You wake up inside of a mansion,  not really knowing where or who you are.  The game itself takes place in first person,  which is good considering how the visual effects are set up very well.  As you search the mansion,  doors fling open,  rooms seem to pulsate,  the whole building shakes.  It's as if your surroundings are out to get you.  Shadows, later on,  chase you and try to kill you.  The only thing you can do is run and hide,  as you have no way of defending yourself.  This gives you a sense of hopelessness and dread as you trudge on.  The atmosphere in this game is top notch,  really putting yourself into the nightmare that is this game.  Your only key to surviving is light,  which you get a lantern to carry around (which has a finite amount of fuel) and tinderboxes to light any nearby candles or lanterns.  Another thing you have to monitor is your sanity,  if anything happens or if you are in the dark too much,  your breathing gets more erratic and your heart rate increases.  This in turn makes your vision distort and you start to hear weird noises.  If your sanity is lost,  you go insane and die.  Now there are also "things" that wander the house.  One in particular you must hide from, and if you see it you must not stare.  You will go more insane and it will see you,  even if your hiding in a cupboard peering out of a crack.  This increases the intensity of the game,  knowing there's such a thing stalking you and that you cannot see where it goes.  
   Everything about this game is perfect.  It will truly scare you (I'm not afraid to admit the game freaks me out).  For Halloween,  the game is on sale for $5 (reg going for $20) on Steam.  My best advice, if you decide to take this journey,  is to play the game how they recommend.  Lights off and headphones on, also you do not play Amnesia to win.  You play it to experience it.  Good luck!

  So thanks for reading,  I know everyone is looking for new ways to be scared on Halloween. You can't go wrong with any of these choices.  While there are many other horror games out there,  I chose to stick with ones that were considered some of the best or more affordable.  Have fun boys and girls, Happy Halloween!!!


Friday, October 26, 2012


  So with this blog,  I've decided that I would divulge what I consider as my top ten list.  Basically 10 games that I not only enjoyed,  but that shaped my gaming as a whole.  This list is just my opinion,  so I'm sure many will not agree with me.  Which is fine,  as again this is more of a personal thing.   You can also listen to me talk about this list with my friend Miguel (he also weighs in on his list) on our weekly podcast, Player Start.  It's a really awesome in depth conversation with two very experienced gamers.  Here's the link for that: Player Start Podcast E04.  So, without further ado,  here's my list!

10.) Halo - Xbox

  Halo,  one of the biggest shooter franchises out today.  It's sci fi setting, stellar controls, awesome vehicles, and varied guns set it ahead of many of the shooters available when it first released.  It single handedly put the Xbox on the map.  For me it had a different impact.
  Before Halo I had played a few shooters off and on,  Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark.  While these games were all fun in their own respects and I had some very competitve moments in the latter two.  It wasn't until Halo that I truly experienced why shooters are fun.   I was exclusively into RPGs prior to this game,  I would play other games but mainly spent my gaming time dealing with turn based battles and saving the world from some megalomaniac.  However,  when I purchased my first Xbox I got Halo with it.  
   My first thoughts were how amazing the controls were,  how the guns felt and fired like they should, and the vehicles were so easy to drive.  The story was very fun to play,  it felt like only a small part of a larger universe.  Easy to get in to, and especially fun with co-op.  But the real draw was the multiplayer.  I had never experienced Lan gaming until Halo.  Heading out to a friends apartment with my Xbox, 4 Controllers, and a copy of Halo.  Having others bring the same and Tv's.  Playing till all hours of the night,  everyone cursing and mocking each other as the night went on.  This game really made me sit back and realize that this was why shooters are so fun.  For the comradery and the competitiveness that they provide.  For that I always hold a special spot for the original Halo.

9.) Ultima Online - PC

   The granddaddy of MMORPGs,  this game sucked away many an hour from me.  I know I should have been doing something else,  but I didn't care.  Too many late night trips to Minoc to empty out the mines with friends,  then off to Britain Bank to peddle my wares.   I never knew how fun crafting was until this game.
   Ultima Online appealed to me on so many levels.  The graphics were so deliciously old school, with an isometric overhead perspective.   The whole immersion of being a part of a larger world was something I (and most people) hadn't experienced before.  Having so many paths to choose from,  rather than saying you can be a Warrior, Mage, Thief, etc.   You had a maximum point allotment, and you could put that into any skill you wanted.  So you could be a Mage Miner, Warrior Thief, Bard Tailor, whatever you wanted.  If you got tired of that,  you could take the points applied in one area and start to move them into another.  Combat was skill based and simple, yet hard to master.  I personally had a Fencer with very high speed,  better DPS than overall strength (I loved both my Kryss and War Axe).  
    The housing system in this game was unique (at the time) in that it took up actual world real estate.  So not everyone had a fancy castle,   I owned a decent sized two story house before eventually leaving UO (after a near 4 year stint).  Originally,  you took the risk that when you left town.  You could get murdered by another player and all your stuff stolen.  Later, in the Second Age,  they made an alternate world called Feluccia where that would happen anywhere except towns.  Trammel was the world where you could travel around and not worry about getting murdered.  This is just barely touching into the aspects of this game,  as it was extremely ambitious for it's time.
   I've always had a love/hate relationship with MMORPGs.  But this game it was all love during my career.  The newer iterations are just plain awful,  however you can download and play for free from any free shards that are up.  They are unofficial but some truly capture the magic of the game.  One if particular I recommend is called T2A (The Second Age).  
8.)Assassins Creed II - Xbox 360

   Assassins Creed is one of the next gen franchises that has truly helped define platformers for the future.  The original was ambitious and tried many things that had not been done in games to date.  The free running and climbing mechanics are awesome and easy to do (they only get better as the games go along).   The story is very unique in how it represents itself.  Combat, in the first one, can take getting used to (it's all about timing).  The original was very hyped and met with mixed feelings.   Anyone put off by part 1 should really try part 2 before making an final judgement,  this is where the series really showed it's strength.
   Part 2 casts you as a different character than the 1st.  It introduces Ezio Auditore de Firenze,  the resident badass who carries into the next 3 games.  Not only did this game take what part one did and expand upon it.  It actually mastered everything from it,  turning it into a truly innovative series.  The character and settings are truly believable (the graphics helped alot).  The controls are so easy,  you can run up the side of a building with little to no effort.  Combat improved greatly,  easier to counter and even grab enemy weapons. All of Ezio's moves feel very graceful yet powerful.  The storyline really pulls you in as well,  helping sell both the Ezio and Desmonds storylines.
   For anyone new to the series,  I would always recommend beginning with part 1.  Although if you want to experience how great this series can be, and the story of one of gamings best written characters.  Start with Assassins Creed 2,  you won't be disappointed. 
7.)Suikoden II - Ps1

   Possibly one of the most underrated (by sales at least) RPGs out there,  Suikoden 2 is one of the best experiences I've ever had with an RPG.   It had nearly everything I could ask for in this genre.  Great history, diverse characters,  believable villains, and a great combat system.  However,  it did not get the sales it truly deserved. 
   Suikoden 2 began nearly after part 1.  Many of the characters you see here,  you will already know from playing the 1st one.  The battle system is very similar,  only adding in more features and making it feel more expansive.  The wars are still here but they changed how they play out,  being a bit more tactical this time around.  You still get the one on one duels from the first as well,  intact as they were (don't fix what's not broken).    During part 2,  you do get more of a impact with the story itself.  Lots of tragedy and loss this time around,  it pushed itself into a more mature storyline.
    This game also has one of the most epic battles in RPGs (Luca Blight),  which occurs in the middle of the game.  It deals with love, loss, friendship, hate, sorrow, despair, and so many human emotions.  It's like a melting pot of everything that you want in a story.  Truly, a great game and worth experiencing at least once. The only downside being that the game is extremely tough to find and very expensive due to its rarity.   The disc alone can get close to $50-$60 on ebay alone.  I guarantee it's worth every penny though.

6.)Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Ps1

   Castlevania,  a game that throughout it's life always re invents itself.  While this hasn't always been a good thing,  Symphony of the Night was one of those times where it simultaniously changed itself while staying true to its roots.  To me,  it felt like the natural progression of Simons Quest.  
   The depth of this game is truly maddening,  being jam packed full of castlevania goodness.  The game takes place in Dracula's castle.  Which is truly big on it's own,  yet doubles it by making you play through it again,  but upside down and more deadly.  The cast of enemies is massive,  bringing in all the classic enemies with a horde of new ones.  Alucard (The main character and son of Dracula) has a big list of weapons, armor, spells, pets, and items at his disposal.  Some even have unique moves associated with them, this had me become obsessed with acquiring everything this game had to offer.  The dialogue, suffered some,  but still held what I expected of a Castlevania game.  The soundtrack is very diverse and something I still listen to.  
    This game made many people who didn't know what Castlevania was take notice of it immediately.  For fans, it is considered one of the best games in that series and is often in many peoples Top Ten lists.  I thorougly enjoyed this game and recommend it to any and everyone.  You can currently pick it up on either PSN or Xbox Live Arcade for around $10.  What are you waiting for?

5.)Ninja Gaiden - Nes

   Ninja Gaiden was one of those games that really kicked your ass.  It loved doing so,  but it was also the game you didn't want to put down.  It wasn't too insanely difficult like say Battletoads,  it was hard enough to were it beat you down but you wanted more.  As you got better at it, you felt more like a badass.  
   It didn't hurt that this game was very appealing graphically.   It had a great look for its time and even sported cinematics between acts,  something at the time that was nearly unheard of.  The soundtrack was great and fit the tone of each level perfectly.   However,  it was always the challenge of this game that drew me in.  Each battle in the game could result in immediate death, either by losing all your health or plummeting to your doom.  But it was all worth it once you made it to the end and conquered the game.  
   Throughout my life,  I've revisited this game from time to time.  Attempting to remind myself what I want to strive for when it comes to creating my own games.  Ninja Gaiden will always serve as my defining platformer and continue to inspire me in further game creation.  It is worth trying out for anyone that is looking for a true challenge.

4.)Bioshock - Xbox 360

   The debate still rages on,  as to whether video games are considered as a form of art.  I've always though they were,  as art is essentially a creative form of expression.  No game out there truly sold this idea than Bioshock.  It painted a beautiful yet tragic picture of the once, mighty underwater city of Rapture, the pinnacle of humanity.
   The game opens up with your character on a plane looking over a package he received.   Soon after your plane crashes in the middle of the ocean and you are the only survivor.  You come up near a very tiny dock, where you can ride a vessel to enter the city of Rapture.  From here ensues an surreal journey through the ruins of what was a great city.  You run into its insane residents, as they have been driven mad by Adam, as they rave on like lunatics and attack you on sight.  You will also use Plasmids to give your character extra abilities like setting enemies on fire, shooting lighting from your hands, or controlling a swarm of bees.  As you move through the fallen city,  a voice from the radio guides you throughout to help you find and confront Andrew Ryan,  The visionary and leader of Rapture.   What plays out is one of the best stories in gaming and also one of the best plot twists that really spins on old video game habits.  
   This game is so immersive and truly something to behold,  truly a masterpiece.  It is easily available on PC, Xbox 360, and Ps3,  and for very low prices nowadays as the game has been out for about 4-5 years.  Would you kindly check it out today?
3.)Resident Evil 2 - Ps1

   Resident Evil really set the bar for survival horror games,  single handedly putting them on the map to all gamers.   It made all of us jump at the dog jumping through the window,  made everyone laugh at being a master of unlocking.  With all its best moments,  it pales in comparison to what its sequel brought to the table.
   Resident Evil 2 raised the bar drastically for the series.  Taking it from a small mansion to an open city, riddled with chaos and death.  It introduced us to what I consider to be the best character in the series,  Leon Kennedy,  and casts you also as Claire Redfield whos the sister of Chris from the first RE.  It brings in many classics from part 1 (re imagining some and keeping others the same), introduces new monsters, new guns, also Hunk and TOFU!!!  The dual storylines play well and really encouraged replay.  While the dialogue is like part 1,  very campy, this helps sell the game.  
   Many people are hoping for a remake of this particular game, I still hold the original in high regard.  It got me excited for future entries and really showed Resident Evil was ready to be a franchise.  So RE2 is a very important milestone for survival horror and the RE franchise in general. You can currently buy this on PSN, and it's worth a trip down retro lane.

2.)Final Fantasy VI - Snes
   Final Fantasy is a long running series that was originally Squares last chance of survival.  So the name had much more meaning than implied,  fortunate for them it became the defintive RPG series for many gamers young and old.  While it told many different stories of the years,  it was this particular tale that always stuck with me.
   FFVI casts you in a role of many diverse characters,  each unique and interesting in their own respects.  You begin the game as Terra Branford,  a brainwashed slave of the Empire with the ability to naturally cast magic.  You are sent to investigate an Esper (ancient magical being) that has been unearthed in the City of Narshe.  What ensues from here is an adventure full of love, hate, tragedy, loss, and destruction that encompasses one of the best stories I've ever experienced.  Every person in this world, big or small, felt important to the overall feel of the game.  The battles were amazing and memorable,  many bosses always stand out to me like Ultros and Atma Weapon.  The soundtrack was amazing (Nobuo always makes gold) and it even sports my favorite RPG town Zozo.  The villain Kefka, while being fairly simplistic in his motives, was also one of the best out there.  He truly just wanted to destroy everything because, well,  he could.  This game was, for me,  one of the most perfect games I've ever played.  
   This game truly needs to be experienced by anyone claiming to be either a FF fan or an RPG fan in general.  A pinnacle of what Square could accomplish when they set out to make a great game with the right team.  This game would have really been my number 1, but it was just barely beat out by another Squaresoft masterpiece.
1.)Chrono Trigger - Snes

   That masterpiece being Chrono Trigger.   Made by what was considered to be Squares dream team.  This game was truly a labor of love and can be felt in every aspect and facet of it.  The art, music, story, characters, villains, settings, and concept really push the envelope.  
   The idea of time travel has always been conceived, however in video games at that point it was barely used.  So the idea of going on an adventure through time with such a colorful cast of characters is very intriguing.  Throughout you go through many emotions while experiencing the impact of choices small people can have on the world at large.  This game takes you through 6 different eras as you find out how bleak the future is and help to change it's eventual outcome at the hands of the interstellar traveler Lavos.  The set pieces are amazing, boss battles are epic, and the music takes you away.  
   The soundtrack in this game is truly unique,  composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.  Just a sound engineer at Square before this,  CT was his very first soundtrack he had written for the company.  He toiled to put together one of the best scores I've personally ever heard,  having to deal with massive hard drive crashes and eventually being hospitalized.  He put so much of himself into this game that when he heard the ending track played during their demo of the game,  Yasunori wept hearing and seeing everything come together so beautifully.
   Chrono Trigger to me was a very impactful game.  It always sits as my favorite game,  when I was younger and now that I'm older.  It's something I will always revisit and hold dear to my heart.  If you play only one game from this list,  I highly recommend this.  It's truly amazing and worth every second of your time.

   So thanks everyone for sitting through that.  This list was written mainly as what I thought were the best influences on my gaming as a whole.  I have 100's of others I would love to list,  but these stand out the most.  Again these are my opinions,  feel free to agree or disagree with me.  I would love to hear what everyone thought or maybe what games I should have mentioned.  Thanks for reading and also check out the Player Start Podcast episode to hear Miguel and me talk about these lists so more.  Thanks!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Elect your Champion!!!

   So if your like me or many others,  you've watched some or all of the Presidential Debates.  While some may view these as wastes of time (because let's face it,  it's alot of talking points),  now the way I see it,  they are just seconds away from trading blows (especially in this last debate).  Now this is where the title of this blog comes into play.  The folks over at Slate have something pretty awesome on their hands.  A few battles from something called Political Kombat 12.  These basically show the candidates duking it out in a winner take all battle to the death.  So let's check out some of the matches so far.

   The first bout pits Romney against a Tag Team of Cain & Santorum and takes place in Obamaville (a run down town with gas prices at 8.52 a gallon?!?).  This game itself is very similar to Mortal Kombat, in name and in play style.  Each person has different moves (perfect for their character) and a finisher (we don't see everyones).  In this battle,  Herman uses moves like 999 (very underpowered) and creepy ads (I AM AMERICCAAAAA!!!).  Rick's moves really crack me up, SWEATERVEST and Clean Coal are the definite highlights here,  also using Church and State.  But both these guys fall to Romneys'  arsenal,  consisting of Missionary Proposition (what you see in the picture for the video above),  Olympic Savior (he fires the 5 Olympic rings from his robot arm), and he blocks with his Money Shield (which also deflects projectiles).  Of course this is all while sounding like a robot (Genius).  Romney takes the win in this round and finishes off Rick.  First with the Pro Choice Gatling Gun (as Governor Romney), then he has a change of heart and uses a Pro Life Axe (as Candidate Romney).  
   This ends with Rick taunting Mitt after being beaten, saying first " I can't believe I lost to a cult following, flip flopper...", then ending with "and I fully endorse his candidacy".  What a great intro battle, there's still 4 more to come.

   So,  Round 2 has Romney fending off more Republican Candidates.  This time it's Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul.  This fight also takes place on Newt's Moonbase (Ha!).   It starts with Newt facing off against Mitt,  using moves like Ethics Violator (a punch to the twig and berries), some type of belly push,  Open Marriage (which ends with Mitt getting hit with a frying pan), and of course Freddie Mac Daddy (he drops a house on him).  Also,  Ron Paul (who fights in a hilarious Monkey Style) joins the fray using Puff Puff Pass (a pot related projectile that sounds funny), Gold Standard (similar to Sub Zeros freeze in MK), and Fan Spam (drops a bunch of fan posts, because the kids get it!).  Of course,  Romney brings one of his old moves into play and some new ones.  Still using his Money Shield (which he uses against Pauls Gold Standard), new to the fray is Blind Trust (Romney puts on a blind fold and money falls from the sky), Romney Care (he wraps up his enemy, similar to Anakaris in Darkstalkers.), and Tax Evasion  (a teleport move like Raidens in MK). He finishes the job with Newt first by Repeling Romneycare (lol) then throwing him into a his dogs travel crate that is strapped to the top of a car (obviously poking at Romneys' remark about where his dog was during their trip years ago).   Newt adds the final defeat remark by saying "You'll never truly defeat a Historian.  We only come back stronger, because we remember stuff!"  A great fight,  now on to the next one.


   Taking place in Trump City (where everything is made of gold apparently),  this battle pits Barack against Trump himself (who is considered a secret character on the roster list).  I will say that one of my favorite things is that, for some reason,  the creators decided to give Barack eyes similar to Akuma.  So now we get to see a whole new set of moves on both sides,  starting with Trump.  He opens the battle with Your Fired (lighting an enemy on fire from a distance),  while using other moves like Make It Rain (throws money in the air),  Birth Certificate (which makes Obama look like a Muslim when hit with it and a move he uses almost constantly, mirroring how Trump really acted with this issue), Comb Over Here (my favorite and very genius, resembles Scorpions hook), and Sold Crushing (drops a for sale then hits him with a wrecking ball).  Of course, Obama brings his own moves to the table.  He uses Supply Chain (a electric charged chain that uses emails to restore Obama's power), Count It (projectile where he shoots a basketball), Ray of Hope (He gets behind a podium and speaks while a giant ray fires at Trump), and Photo Op (his family jumps in for a quick photo that damages the opponent). He finishes off Trump first with the Long Form (shows a form as Trump is basically decimated) then uses Secret Smoke (Obama takes a drag off a cigarette then blows it on Trump, which melts his upper body down to a skeleton).  Trump ends with saying " An 'extremely credible source' told me that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fraud, and that Americans should watch Celebrity Apprentice sundays at 8pm est".  Another good fight,  now it's time for the Vice Presidential Candidates to duke it out.


   So, this brings us to the VP fight, taking place on the Commuter Rail.  When the match starts,  Paul Ryan rips off his shirt and turns into something of a Bruce Lee look alike.  Biden is still asleep and the Commentator has to wake him up (I SAID FIGHT!!!).  Then he starts punching Ryan and using moves like Gaffe (A leg comes out of his mouth,  this can be a multi-hit attack like E. Honda's hundred hand slap), Big F'n deal (an F Bomb drops out of the sky to do massive damage), Regular Joe (a copy of Biden as a regular blue collar worker appears and damages Ryan when he touches it), Interruption (stops an attack and calls "malarky"), and Back in Chains (grabs ryan mid air and drags him to him, eventually combined with Regular Joe).  Paul Ryan wins the fight eventually,  using moves like We Did Build It (an kick uppercut like Fei Long would use), P90X (drops a bubble with P90X in it, his projectile), Marathon Time (Runs fast 3 times, something similar to what Kung Lao does in MK), and Budget Cuts (he grabs the Reapers Scythe, hitting Joe 3 times.  Each for Medicare, Social Security, and Sesame Street).  He finishes off Joe with Atlas Shrugged, where he throws the planet Earth on him.  Joe adds in, after being defeated, " My friend, we're not friends anymore! And I would have literally kicked the crap out of you if Bush hadn't left such a mess."


This fight has not been made yet.  It will be released after the election is over.  This whole series is a great non game and an awesome satire on both politics and video games.  I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I do.  Make sure to check out the final battle once it occurs.  

Thanks everyone for reading and check out Political Kombat 12 on youtube.   Also don't forget to vote and stuff.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 of the Most Unique RPG Towns

  So I figured for todays blog, I would write about some of the strangest RPG Towns I have seen since gaming.  These are not ranked,  just put in a list format for the sake of organization.  So,  everyone enjoy this trip through crazy town with me.  

10.  The Village of Split - Elder Scrolls Oblivion

   In the Shivering Isles,  the land is split between Mania and Dementia.  This makes for some pretty interesting monsters and NPCs (allthough the leader of the Realm,  Sheogorath, is by far the best).  So on the border of the dividing line, stands the Village of Split.
   This town is populated (like other areas of the Shivering Isles) with people who are extremely Manic and also people who are severely Demented.  There are both types of people here because it's on the border of where the land splits between Mania and Dementia (Hence the name).  However the residents are even more unique than that, as it's populated with two of each person, one manic and one depressive.  This causes some crazy confusion as each one wants you to deal with the other one.  
    Everyone of course has their own reason for wanting you to kill their alternate.  All of these reasons are of course really insane, and they make for some entertaining dialogue.  Some think their alternates are going to kill them while others think they are going to eat them.  I applaud Bethesda's writers for making such a unique town.
9. Reverence - Baten Kaitos

  This game is already unique as it is.  Baten Kaitos, made by Tri-Ace, had a unique combat system (turn based but using a Poker Style to do attacks) and a great world (floating continents because most characters had wings).  The story was amazing and the art was beautiful.  Truly a great game with a sense of personality.
  Nowhere does this show most than the Town of Reverence.  My first impression was blown away, this town has a different animation style,  more old school than the rest of the game.  Everything is very flat, from the backgrounds to the residents.  But it's how the town itself is presented that makes it truly strange.  See Reverence is more like a story book.  By that I mean a Pop up Book,  everything unfolds, turns like pages, then springs out.  It's really amazing to see, and it really fits the uniqueness of this entire world.
   But Reverence truly stands as a unique town and shows great imagination on the parts of Tri-Ace for creating this.  I really would recommend watching the video and seeing it for yourself.  It is really awesome.

8. Shrunk down area - Shining Force 2

   The Shining Force series was on of those games that set the bar for me, in both RPGs and Tactical RPGs. It had a big amount of characters, great story,  everything even played out like an anime.  Also there were no random battles,  every battle was strategic and necessary.  There were many places you could travel around in on two pretty big continents.  One place in particular stands out.
   Without giving too much away,  you are heading towards Creed's mansion.  Once inside,  you attempt to find him and talk with the Devil Creed.   Instead you end up getting shrunk down,  from here you have to fight your way through some roaches (yes, roaches!).  Once your done with them you find a small gathering of people on a desk and bookshelves.  There's some people you will eventually recruit and a King of the area who tells you that you must fight the Chess army.  Basically meaning that you engage in a normal Shining Force battle,  but with a bunch of chess pieces.  This battle can actually be quite tough if your not prepared for it.  But it is a bit strange going from fighting fantasy world monsters (orcs, goblins, zombies, and such) to a tiny sentient Chess army.  
7. Saturn Valley - Earthbound

   Already a very unique game,  Earthbound (or Mother 2 as it's known in Japan) oozed with personality.  Having been used to RPGs being games that were taking knights and wizards to fight dragons or other demons.  This game was out of left field for me,  taking 4 psychic kids from a modern setting and pitting them against an alien force.  I instantly fell in love with it.  Of course that description barely scratches the surface of what the game is all about.  Every character, enemy, and ally all stood out (even the Strategy guide was unique,  it was freaking scratch and sniff!!!).  
   I would have to say that one particular set of characters stood out more than anything in this world, The Mr Saturns.  See Mr Saturn is well.... uhhh... some weird round thing with two legs, a nose, and some sort of reddish/pinkish hair on top of it.  When it spoke, it's text was just strange looking.  They all live in a place called Saturn Valley and they are all named Mr Saturn.  This is the sort of thing that would be inspired by someone taking many psychedelic mushrooms (Of course I think 99% of this game might fall in that category).  
   Never before or after this game have I ever seen anything so weird.  But that's also what made Mr Saturn so awesome.  This is a character that I really hope to see more of in the future.  Really,  I just want more Earthbound!!! 

6. Seaside Town - Super Mario RPG

   A grand crossover,  Nintendo decided that they would put the fate of their most beloved franchise in the skilled hands of Square.  A decision that may very well have been one of the smartest things they have ever done.  Even though we have Paper Mario nowadays,  Super Mario RPG was something altogether different (different = awesome).  
  The whole game you interacted with many characters from the Mushroom Kingdom, and some new characters unique to the game itself (Even a small cameo from Link).  You were going around trying to find all Seven Stars so you could defeat Smithy.  In about the middle of the quest,  you run across seaside town.  This area is populated by Toads who are acting kinda strange.  They behave as if they are possessed and also hiding something from you.  It creates some really odd scenarios where they keep whispering things to each other and moving back and forth on the counters kinda strangely.
   The game itself is just an awesome creation of Squares.  But they really make the strange aspects of the Mushroom Kingdom that much more strange.
5. Village of Mythril - Final Fantasy IV

  Whether on the surface of the world, or under it,  all the villages in Final Fantasy IV featured many of your typical Final Fantasy occupants;  Humans, Elfs, and Dwarves.  While each village wasn't boring,  none stood out as much as Mythril.  It's inhabitants, while strange, were all based on status effects you could inflict or have inflicted upon you in battle. 
    Residents fell mainly into 3 categories; frogs, pigs, and mini people.  The character could cast spells to turn enemies (or even yourself in the town map) into one of these.  The town itself also featured the dancing Mythril Brothers (seen in the video above from the DS version).  The main draw, however, was that they lived near Mythril mines.  The strongest material in the game, used to make the best weapon in the game.  The town was located on a secluded island, away from the empire and other villages.  Even their mine could only be reached by hovercraft.  
   This location sells the occasional strangeness of Japanese RPGs, but also the final fantasy series in general. It really shows that while they take their property seriously,  Square can also be really silly sometimes with it.
4. Rokkaku Hamlet - Suikoden 2
  Ah Ninjas.  What list could be complete without them.  Suikoden featured many characters from all types of backgrounds and parts of the world.  You would see nearly everything that fit into a typical fantasy world work itself into the gameworld,  but always in a way that made perfect sense.  So it only made even more sense that it would have ninjas.
  Rokkaku was first introduced in Suikoden 1.  Although at this point it was only merely mentioned,  which you even recruiting some of it's members in your party and army.  It wasn't until the awesome Suikoden 2 that you could actually visit the village itself.  However,  it wasn't something that was on your typical travel route through the game.  The village itself was hidden (which makes sense because hey, they're Ninjas.  It's not like there would be a big sign saying "Hidden Ninja Village this way".).  Not only was it a total geek moment for me finding it,  but the music was super awesome.  Plus you get to recruit more Ninjas, and you can never go wrong with that.
   Suikoden 2 is an amazing game as it stands.  But being able to see Rokkaku after only hearing about it in part 1 really made it an even better game in my opinion.   I would say everyone needs to play this game,  however, procuring a copy for yourself nowadays is gonna take a $100+ investment.  This game is extrememly rare and worth every penny you spend on it.
3. Dunwich - Cthulhu Saves the World

   This game had to make my list for many reasons.  For one,  you play as Cthulhu who has to become a hero. This is in order to get his stolen powers back so get can blanket the world with insanity (Hey he's a demon, what did you expect?).  What ensues is a hilarious trek through a world that not only pokes fun at RPGs stereotypes,  but pays tribute the Lovecraftian lore.
    Which brings us to the village of Dunwich,  Cthulhu and crew pass through here on their travels.  Of course, everyone in his party is taken aback by the town being overrun by zombies.  Cthulhu however, wants you to minimize zombie casualties (hey zombies are people too!), so you have work your way around all the various zombies partying in the streets.  While the town itself is still overrun (and it's one of the very few instances where you run into battles in a town),  there are still survivors and scattered shopkeepers throughout.  Some even take advantage of the situation by price gouging (bastards!!!).  You get to the end of the town only to find that  (as Cthulhu expected) Nyarlathotep is controlling all of them. 
   Not only is this game hilarious, but it has a very unique story.  Playing as Cthulhu is just plain awesome.  For any lovers of old school rpgs out there,  this game is only $2.99 on Steam and comes with Breath of Death VII (another awesome comedy RPG).  

2. Village of Magic - Chrono Trigger
  Chrono Trigger is a timeless RPG classic.  Shaping for many what games to come should be like.  I personally have sunk untold amounts of time into it.  Which is somewhat ironic to say, because this game is mainly about time travel.  As you played the game,  you would affect history, and in some cases, change the course of certain things in future parts of the world.
  The Village of Magic is one of those places.  It's a town built by and lived in by Monsters,  originally founded by worshipers of Magus (one of the games many villains/allies).   However, as you go through the game, defeating different bosses.  This town changes, from worshiping one villain to another and disliking all humans.  Eventually,  if you do the related side quests, they worship no one and become much friendlier with the player.  Dropping shop prices, inn prices, and dismantling the statues in the courtyard.  
   It's really awesome to see this town evolve as the game progresses.  Especially to it's eventual conclusion.  It's moments like this that really show how awesome time travel can be in gaming,  when used correctly.  Chrono Trigger is truly a unique gem of a game and would be my number one RPG ever, if it wasn't for the next game on this list...

1. Zozo - Final Fantasy VI

  Ah, Final Fantasy VI,  my all time favorite RPG.  What can I say about this game that hasn't been already said.  It had everything;  a unique cast, a madman bent on world destruction, train suplexing,  huge enemy variety, a believable world, and an amazing soundtrack.
   There's one other thing it had that has always stood out to me.  What I consider to be my favorite RPG town.  Now I know I said in the beginning this list is in no particular order.  This is the one exception,  Zozo is my all time favorite RPG Town ever.  First off,  one thing to know,  everyone here is a liar (except for the innkeeper!).  They say things like giving you the wrong time (for a clock puzzle to unlock the Chainsaw for Edgar),to telling you that Zozo has no crime (only thieves and brigands live here), and that the weather is perfect (it's always pouring down raining in Zozo).  This is also one of the only towns in Final Fantasy where random battles are engaged.  You have to initially come here because Terra runs away here.  But the town has so much atmosphere and an awesome theme to boot (check out the video to listen, it's Nobuo Uematsu at his best).  Honestly I would love a summer home here (not really :P).
   So remember for those who don't know,  come visit Zozo.  It's a great town and the people are wonderful.  By that I mean,  this place sucks and everyone is a lying asshole.  

Thanks for reading this and I look forward to all your comments.  If you enjoy my blogs, please follow me (not literally,  stalking is illegal!).  


Monday, October 15, 2012

What should be good has become bad

   So at this point,  everyone is used to their games having extra content that extends the life of your favorite game.  This was an unheard of concept for console gaming over a decade ago,  PC gamers were used to getting expansions to their games (massive amounts of content usually as extra story and more multiplayer maps/vehicles/guns/etc.).  This can be a win scenario for gamers and developers alike,  it in many cases has become a way to milk more money out of the consumer.

   During it's late stages,  Microsoft started released extra game content through their Xbox Live service for Halo 2.  At this point, things like online gaming on consoles were in their infancy (Sega tried to start this trend with the Sega Saturn by purchasing an add on and also making the Dreamcast come standard with a 56k Modem.).  This was one of the first cases of DLC on a console game, at this point it was still a win situation for consumers.  It wasn't until the next generation of consoles (Xbox 360 and Ps3) that console makers and game makers really embraced this ideal.  But even during the early stages,  they had their stumbles.  The most famous of which is the Horse Armor DLC for Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion.  Bethesda put up DLC to add armor to your horse, which had no effect in game other than to change the look of it.  For this they wanted $2.50...  This caused a massive outrage from gamers and a big embarrassment for Bethesda.  Many viewed this as a travesty, as this item could have easily been put in the game or added for free.  Other games would put similar things in them over the years (Godfather buying in game money, Gears of War 3 selling weapon skins,  Tales of Vesperia selling level ups), but this became the most famous one.

   So, as I said, DLC is a common practice now for games.  When the game L.A. Noire was released,  Rockstar planned a release of extra cases for the game after its release.  This gave them the idea to release something called the "Rockstar Pass".  Basically this gave early adopters access to all extra content released for the game,  by paying a fee upfront.  This came to $10 for the pass (this is one of the two I have personally purchased),  this price later went to $12 after a time and at that price gave you a 50% discount on all DLC.  At the point,  I viewed this as a pretty good savings and still don't regret purchasing it.  However,  many other companies saw this and started to pick up on the idea.  Now you've got games like Forza Horizon, Mortal Kombat, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Max Payne 3, Assassins Creed 3, etc., these are all adopting the practice of season passes.

   Now you would think from reading what I said above that this would be a good thing.  However,  many of the publishers are only offering, at most, a 10% to 20% discount.   For example,  Black Ops 2 just announced they are doing a season pass for DLC which will be $50.  This includes 4 unannounced Map Packs, retailing at $15 dollars a piece.  That's a savings of $10,  which is something like %18 (give or take). So this means that for anyone who's a big fan,  that's spending $60 for the game (if you just buy the regular editions,  big collectors editions can set you back $150).  So if you want all the DLC at a discounted rate, that's another $50.  There was even issues with people who had paid for Call of Duty Elite (which is $50 dollars),  then having the Map Packs for Modern Warfare 3 just recently go on a weekly sale.  This made all the DLC combined cheaper than the Elite Pass, which to many defeated the purpose of the service.
   Some games like Saints Row 3,  took a different route.  They made promises of certain pieces of content and did not deliver everything.  They even released content that was outside of the Pass,  forcing people who wanted it to pay more.  This obviously left a sour taste in their mouth.  It's this type of exploitation that gamers do not forget,  causing people to abandon franchises.
    While DLC is a good idea to extend your beloved games.  Let's hope in the future that publishers realize that the best way to keep fans,  is to give them their moneys worth.  Not use us as cash cows.
  As always, thanks for reading,  if you enjoy please follow my blog.  Also leave some comments below, thanks!

Friday, October 12, 2012



                                Todays Spotlight is on:

Rune Walsh

 Rune is one of the playable characters in Phantasy Star IV,  he is an extremely powerful wizard and the 5th generation of Lutz (a character from Phantasy Star I).  He becomes a very valuable member of your team and also picks on the main character,  Chaz Ashley.  He can sometimes come off cold to others,  but he generally means well.  

 When he is in your party (especially early in the game),  Rune uses some of the most devastating moves of anyone in your party.  The first time he joins you (which is brief), he pretty much annihilates every enemy you encounter.  His major weaknesses are that he doesn't have much defense or hit points, so keeping him alive is crucial to winning many of the later battles.  He's also present for majority of the crazy boss battles (two in particular in the Air Castle).

  His past is mostly left up to interpretation,  when you first meet him.  He already is acquainted with the hunter Alys Brangwin, although their relationship is never fully revealed (especially due to her eventual death).  He is respected by many different elders in parts of the Algol Solar System.  It is also later revealed that Rune is the 5th reincarnation of Lutz,  one of the playable characters from the original Phantasy Star.  Basically, all of Lutz's memories and powers are passed from successor to successor.  This has been done over a period of 1000 years.  Now,  one would think this would make them quite old,  Lutz and his successors use Cryogenic Sleep in order to extend their lives.  This also makes Rune one of the only Magic users left in the Solar System and also puts into question how old he actually is (this is never revealed as well).

  On the planet Dezolis lies the Esper Mansion.  This was established by the original Lutz as a place for the Espers to reside and also for them to protect and preserve his memories.  As Rune is the current Lutz,  the Espers hold him in high regard (those who know about it).   Of course,  him being such an old being also comes with enemies.  One of the original villains in Phantasy Star I,  Lashiec, is revived by the Dark Force (supreme evil in the galaxy), in which he steals a relic in order to lure Rune (Lutz) and his party to his castle so he can destroy him (this is where the Air Castle comes into play,  one of my favorite dungeons in all the RPGs I've played,  mainly for being such a huge area and REALLY tough).  

 Rune Walsh is one of those characters that is not only deeply ingrained into the universe,  but also brings life to the game itself.  This is one reason why I have enjoyed Phantasy Star IV so much and consider it one of my favorite games.  Really,  they could make this entire game into an anime (it pretty much is),  given the banter between characters. Especially between Chaz and Rune,  they provide alot of comic relief to the game and great character development.  

   Thanks everyone for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!  If you haven't already played Phantasy Star IV, this article only discusses a small part of it and you owe it to yourself if your looking for a really good old school JRPG.