Wednesday, October 3, 2012


  The Undead have been pretty popular throughout all forms of media,  Movies and Books have especially enjoyed some pretty awesome tributes to these shambling horrors.  Comic books are enjoying some very recent surges in popularity with books like The Walking Dead and Marvel Zombies.  While I've seen my fair share of games that included the undead (I am even working on my own Zombie game,  The Long Night). Not many have truly captured what a Zombie game can really be.  There are more of these games on the horizon.  Here's a list of where Zombie games have been over the years,  granted this is not a list of every zombie game out there.  Just ones that I have played and enjoyed myself over the years.


   Although not the first in the genre,  this game put Survival Horror on the map.  It featured a trained team of specialists,  aka S.T.A.R.S.,  who were sent in to investigate an incident at Spencer Mansion.  From there,  you have to figure out what happened and try to survive the horrors inside of the building itself.   For many people (myself included),  this game was scary as hell at the time (especially the scene in the hallway with the dogs,  I think that got everyone) and there was nothing like it out there.  With it's awful voice acting and horrible controls,  this game truly set a standard for Horror games to come.
  Resident Evil featured a variety of enemies,  all mutated from the T-Virus.  You had your standard Zombies, Zombie dogs, Hunters (lizard like things that could slice your head off in one hit),  Giant Spiders, at one point a Zombie Shark, and an array of bosses (An even bigger Spider, Giant Snake, An infected Plant, and the ever awesome Tyrant)
   It also spawned a sequel that proved to go farther into this real than the first one ever did.  Nowadays, the franchise has strayed much from it's roots and become something of a different animal (a sign of the times?).  But,  the face of Zombie games and Horror games in general would be nowhere without this pioneer.


   Some people might argue that Left 4 Dead isn't really a Zombie game because the enemies are mainly "Infected".  More akin to say 28 days series,  however they still fit a similar description although they charge you rather than shamble up like the traditional zombie.  In my mind, they qualify as the undead in some sense of the word.
   Now,  with L4D,  Valve took an iconic Horror movie monster.  The enemy variety really set it apart from other zombie games.  The main zombies were referred to as Common Infected,  which would almost always attack in huge mobs.  Along with the Commons, you had Uncommon Infected and the Special Infected.  The Uncommons were close to the Common, but they spawned less and had some special abilities  from being fireproof to throwing mud in your eyes (Also Jimmy Gibbs Jr!!!!).  The Special Infected had a lower spawn rate but were much more dangerous.  Smokers strangle you with their tongues from afar,  Hunters pounce on you and start ripping you to shreds,  Chargers ram into you,  Boomers puke on you, and Tanks attempt to destroy your group with brute strength.  Not forgetting the most menacing of all,  the Witch.  She can first be heard by sobbing in the distance.  But if you disturb her,  RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
   In this game, you were you in control of a team of 4 Survivors while they fight their way though danger zones trying to get to safety.  Not only are the environments and enemies believable,  but the characters have good banter between each other that not only sells them.  It can even make you laugh while you fight to stay alive.  This game also proved that not only is it fun to play with friends to try and survive,  But it's a helluva lot more fun playing a monster trying to kill said survivors.  For anyone who hasn't tried it yet,  this is worth a shot,  especially the pc version of the sequel.  With plenty of Mod support and free DLC,  it's the way to go.  Plus part 2 now includes all of part 1's campaigns for around $20.


   Who said all zombie games have to take themselves seriously?  The original Dead Rising took the concept of being trapped in a mall with zombies everywhere (made famous of course by Dawn of the Dead) and added an immense sense of humor to it.  Allowing your character to rescue other survivors and use wacky weapons to execute zombies in goofy ways.  There was a somewhat serious side shown when you had to face off against the Psychopaths,  people who basically cracked under the pressure.  The sequel and it's retelling took place in the Las Vegasesque Fortune City.  
   While the zombies do take most of the spotlight,  the games real star is Frank West.  A photojournalist who is looking for his next big scoop.  During his journey,  he uncovers how the zombies are created and who's behind it (Frank's the man for the job,  he has covered wars after all).  The sequel introduced a new character, Chuck Greene, who is a stunt cyclist for a Zombie Reality show and is taking care of his daughter.  Chuck is attempting to make enough money to keep buying Zombrex, a drug to suppress the transformation into the undead, so his daughter will remain human.  This dynamic brings a more sentimental side to the series.  Where Frank always brought a sort of reckless curiousity.   But all in all,  this horror comedy is at its best when you are just killing zombies in absurd ways.
   Dead Rising 2 did bring something new to the table,  combining weapons.  This is where the real comedy came into the series,  creating things like laser swords (lightsabers) by combining diamonds with a flashlight (the Jedi and Sith make it seem so complicated).   The variety is crazy here,  from a Paddlesaw (chainsaw & canoe paddle), Knife gloves (Boxing gloves & Knife), to the Super Massager (They can be coy about it,  this is a dildo launcher).   You can even modify a dirt bike with different paint jobs, machine guns, or my favorite the Slice Cycle (Chainsaws sticking out of each side of the handle bars).  The weapons really came out front and center in the sequel and it's remix, Off the Record.
  So if your just looking for a game where you can kill tons and TONS of zombies with crazy weaponry,  Dead Rising is the game to get.  Now for anyone just jumping into the series,  Dead Rising 2 Off the Record is the best place to start,  anyone control or save point issues were fixed here.  Plus it has a sandbox mode with no timer (Regular game lasts first for 72 in game hours, then 48 in Overtime).   There is no prior knowledge of part 1 or 2 necessary.  


  The Insanely popular mod for Arma II (soon to be standalone),  created by Dean Hall.  I think for most people out there,  when they thought of what the perfect zombie game would be,  something similar to this had to come to mind.  Nothing encompasses the true loneliness and survival of a Zombie apocalypse better than this.  
  After booting up DayZ,  you wake up alone on the beach with nothing but a few basic supplies (flashlight, bandage, backpack).  You begin to survey the area of Chernarus (this was the original map for DayZ,  as of this writing Lingor Island and Takistan are available through DayZ Commander with extra fan maps out there as well).  Chernarus is basically a 225 Kilometer island that has been overrun by the dead,  here you must scavenge for supplies while avoiding zombies and bandits (other players that will kill you on sight or even kidnap you).  While trying to survive,  you must be conscious of many factors;  hunger, thirst, noise, visibility, warmth, and disease.  If you are harmed, you can start bleeding or break bones which will cause further problems.  You must try to survive as long as you can in this harsh environment,  as dying means that you will lose everything you have scavenged during your travels.  Causing you to start over as if you just washed up on the beach.  This game can be very harsh,  but this is what makes it so awesome.
   Everything about this mod sells exactly what it's trying to be.  However, it lacks one element that makes it even better,  there is no story.  DayZ doesn't have an ultimate goal other than survive as long as you can.  This basically means there is nothing expected of the player,  so it makes people create their own stories in the harsh environment.  This is pure genius and makes players very creative,  youtube is full of videos where people are telling their stories and experiences that happened during playing it.  
   DayZ is an overall awesome experience that just keeps getting better and better.  No two people can walk away with the exact same experience.  This game is a big influence on the Horror genre of video games and will shape everything that comes after it.


   A total cult classic, ZAMN was released on both the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.  Made by Lucasarts (back when they made really awesome original games), This co-op platformer placed players in the shoes of one of two protagonists, Julie or Zeke.  They both played the same but looked different (although my brother and I always fought over who played Zeke).  
   The point of the game was to stop Dr. Fred and his creations, all while saving Innocent bystanders on each level before the monsters killed them.  There were such monsters as Vampires, Frankenstein, Werewolves, Purple Tentacles,  Giant babies, Evil Dolls, Aliens, Giant Ants, Blobs, Sea Monsters, Giant Worms, Blobs, Spiders, and of course Zombies.  There also was a huge level variety,  48 in all,  which took place in areas like Cemeteries, Neighborhoods, Castles, Offices, Malls, High Schools, Toy Factories, and Hedgemazes.  The weapon variety was just as crazy as everything else,  first off you always started with a watergun.  You could also use things like fire extinguishers, popsicles, footballs, plates, silverware, potions (that could turn you into a monster, make you fast, heal you, or curse you), bazookas, tomatoes, and crucifixes.  This game had an immense amount of variety for it's offering.  It later spawned a Super Nintendo only sequel named Ghoul School.  The original game wasn't as well received until years later,  it's sequel was nearly forgettable.
   For me, this game became a staple Sega Genesis game that I would end up playing over and over.  The best part about it was the Co-op experience.  I can attest to spending many an hour playing this with my brother on the weekends.  Now while this game wasn't all about zombies,  they were the only enemies to appear in nearly every stage of the game.  I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a retro monster game,  just make sure you bring a friend.  


  By now,  I'm sure everyone knows about the phenomenon that is Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead.  The TV series and the Comic book from whence it came weave a tale of Survival in world overrun by the Dead.  This series is not only about walking corpses,  but really more about how people deal with living in this type of world.  Not only to you have to fight the dead,  but you have to fear the living.  Now while I highly recommend reading the Comic book or watching the TV series,  any serious fans should be playing Telltale games adaptation. 
   The game takes place in the comic book world,  while you don't need any prior knowledge of that to enjoy this.  It really adds to the experience.  The story revolves around Lee Everett,  a man who at the beginning of the outbreak is being transported to prison for murdering his wife.  After a few events he finds himself in care of a little girl named Clementine.  You follow these two through a series of events that really push you to the brink of humanity.  The best part about this game is that every decision, every word, every action that you take throughout the course of the games 5 episodes affect how others react to you.  This makes each persons experience dramatically different (which makes for some awesome post game conversations). 
   Not only does Telltale really sell the vibe and feel of the comic books.  But they show they mastered the craft of storytelling.  This game plays more like the point and click adventure games of old,  choosing to focus more on puzzle solving, character interaction, and quick time events.  This is a change of pace from most Zombie games out there,  but well worth the ride.  I'm not sure anyone can play this game and not get emotional in one way or another.  As of this writing,  only episodes 1-3 are out.  Each episode has been more shocking than the last, always upping the ante.  I've found myself stopping and thinking,  weighing in the consequences of my actions.  I find myself very emotionally involved in every moment of this series.  
  So whether your a long time Walking Dead fan,  a newcomer,  or just looking for something to blow your mind,  this game is worth your time.  Do yourself a favor and at least try a demo of episode 1 (available on Xbox live, Playstation Network, Steam, and iOS).  I guarantee you will be hooked!


  I know everyone out there remembers the Oregon Trail.  My best memories of it were playing it in on various computers during middle school and high school.  You were tasked with taking wagons across America with your family in tow.  Fighting off disease (damn dysentery), hunger, or the elements while also keeping supplies in stock or hunting animals to trade.  The game was a real challenge but it always kept me coming back for more. 
   So The Men with Many Hats took the idea of that game and replaced it's setting with a modern zombie apocalypse.  Now your trekking from the east coast to west coast of the United States in a station wagon.  All the while keeping up with many factors such as money, food, scrap (for repairing your car), various car parts, and ammo.  While dysentery is still there,  your group can also break bones, die of thirst, be shot by bandits, or even bitten and turn into zombies (you may even have to put them down).  As you trek along,  you run into safe havens with other survivors where you can trade, buy supplies, or take odd jobs.  There's even boss fights with Zombie Bears, Zombie Dogs, Biker Gangs, and a rampaging horde of Zombie Deer.
   From the graphics to the music and the way it plays,  everything about the Organ Trail takes the feeling its inspiration gave me.  Yet puts it into an even more modern and awesome scenario.  This game is currently available for iOS and Android for $3 (coming soon for PC/Mac).  So if you game on either of those devices,  you should own this game.  It's worth every penny.


   I'm sure at one point in anyones life,  they went to an arcade.  You know the place,  those un air conditioned, smelly, and noisy areas near most food courts where dozens of games of different types were displayed around for you to deposit quarters into.  There was always a different variety,  you had your fighters, beat em ups, racing, and dance games.  Of course, there was also another type called light gun games.  
   Sega released a series of these types of games called House of the Dead.  In the original, players took on the roles of AMS Agents Thomas Rogan or G while they fought their way to Dr Curiens' Mansion.  Dealing with his experiments along the way.  The original included 4 different bosses and tons of different zombies along the way.
   The series spawned many sequels and a strange, yet fun spin off in Typing of the Dead.   Although the story left alot to be desired,  the game itself was fun and stole many a quarter from myself.  Playing it nowadays might be a bit tough,  It's last release was in the form of House of the Dead Overkill,  which changed the tone from more lighthearted to a Grindhouse style feel with tons of cursing.  Another thing it spawned was the very awful Japanese commerical that I linked above and had never seen before until typing this blog.  


  A mod for the ever popular Half Life 2,  Zombie Master set players into two separate teams.  The survivors and the Zombie Master.  Each side played different from the other,  this is what made this game mode so genius and very much ahead of its time.
  As survivors,  players were tasked to work together in completing a number of objectives like getting certain supplies or building fortifications before being overwhelmed by the undead or in some maps tornados (or other weather conditions).  Everyone also spawned with no weaponry, so you would have to arm yourselves to prepare for the impending assaults.  Your weapons mainly consisted of basic ranged and melee weapons like shotguns, pistols, and the popular sledgehammer.  Death in this game mode was permanent and you would have to wait until the next round to spawn again.  So teamwork was extremely crucial because the Zombie Master would win if his minions killed everyone.  This portion of the game is also played in first person.
  Being the Zombie Master was a completely different experience altogether.  You viewpoint was an Isometric over head view,  similar to a real time strategy game.  You had different points where you could spawn a certain number of zombies out and could zoom down the camera inside of buildings or close to track what the survivors were doing.  At your command were 5 different zombie types; Shamblers (Basic Zombies, you would have access to an abundance of these), Banshees (Only type faster than players,  they would leap into areas others couldn't reach), Hulks (Brutes with the power to take on multiple survivors, they were a force to be reckoned with), Drifters (weaker than others but were the only ones capable of ranged attacks, deadly when combined with other types), and Immolators (They were corpses on fire that would run at players,  exploding on death and setting everything around them on fire).  ZMs would have to balance what types of Zombies they spawned because each had a cost associated with them which would help implement more of a strategic feel when playing as them.  
  Upon its creation,  Zombie Master offered a unique experience that is still unrivaled to this day.  One could even argue that many of its ideals are what helped shape Left 4 Dead.  While the work on this Mod ceased in April of 2009,  this is still worth checking out.  All you need is a copy of Half Life 2.  


   Red Dead Redemption is a true masterpiece of gaming.  Taking place in a open world during the Wild West era.  The tale of John Marston is a truly intriguing one,  wrought with courage and sacrifice.  The world it's set in is a truly believable landscape filled with memorable characters and unforgettable moments.  After its release, Rockstar Games put out an add on for it called Undead Nightmare.
  This story takes place towards the end of the main game, although more as an alternate reality.  John Marston comes home one day to find his wife and son have turned into raving, bloodthirsty lunatics.  After realizing he can't reason with them.  He leaves them tied up at their Ranch and sets out to roam the land in search of a cure.  What he discovers is a world overrun by flesh eating maniacs.  Now this is the same world that the main story took place in,  however locations have been changed up and many characters John met before have now been turned into zombies.  Even the horses you ride vary from being zombified to the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.   Local wildlife has changed as well;  bears, cougars, warthogs, and wolves are now zombies as well.  
   Undead Nightmares world also has many distractions to occupy your time.  Bounties, saving towns, challenges, and even hunting legendary beasts such as the Sasquatch and the Chupacabra.  Of course the zombies themselves are no slouches, they come in many flavors as well (Brains only come in one, yummy).  
There's the Fresh Zombies (regular old zombies, usually come in hordes), Bolters (run on all fours, fast and very hard to score headshots on without Deadeye), Bruisers (Hulking masses of zombie that will tackle you if they get too close), and Retchers (glowing zombies that spit acid at you and explode upon death).  Not only does that make for a fun Single Player campaign,  but you also get Undead Overrun.   A multiplayer horde mode where your tasked to kill wave after wave of the dead while working against the clock.
  This DLC foreshadows an Open world Zombie game and ends up adding to one of the best video game experiences out there.  Truly a masterpiece,  Red Dead Redemption is worth the ride down the dusty old trail.  Especially on the one filled with Zombies.  Currently,  you can get RDR and all of it's DLC in the Game of the Year Edition for $30 on either the Xbox 360 or Ps3.

So I hope everyone enjoyed this article.  Any comments or questions, please leave them below.  Thanks for reading.

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